What distinguishes Villas di Toscana from other Santa Fe neighborhoods?
Mediterranean (Tuscan) exterior architectural style Gated community One-of-a-kind concept in Santa Fe Walking paths and pocket parks Central location
Mediterranean (Tuscan) exterior architectural style Gated community One-of-a-kind concept in Santa Fe Walking paths and pocket parks Central location
Yes, there is an active Homeowner’s Association that is tasked with maintaining gates, roads, pathways, parks, and common areas, and enforcement of neighborhood covenants.
We make it easy for you. Just provide a letter of pre-approval from an acceptable lender at the time we write your purchase agreement, along with the required deposits. When the home is completed, you close just like any other home purchase. Other options include construction financing or a cash purchase.
Villas di Toscana will have a total of 62 homes and over 2 acres of greenbelt.
Villas di Toscana is Italian for “Villas of Tuscany.” Villas di Toscana brings a refreshing Mediterranean-inspired architectural style to Santa Fe, complementing the traditional Southwest styles.
Homes in Villas di Toscana are designed for an easy living and low maintenance lifestyle. Each home has its own private patio and/or courtyard spaces to enjoy Santa Fe’s renowned weather and beautiful skies. Our homes are ideal for full or part-time residence